If you take the average of these, you get: GPX track from my Suunto Ambit: 600 feet of gain, 1064 feet of loss, 464 net down.GPSRunning: 693 feet of gain, 1095 feet of loss, 402 net down.: 544 feet of gain, 922 feet of loss, 378 net down.: 783 feet of gain, 1225 feet of loss, 442 net down.But I found multiple listings of vertical change: Multiple sources agree that the starting line is at 442 feet above sea level and the finish at 17 feet above sea level.

It recorded a distance of 26.38 miles, which probably includes some wider corners than the official course. Boston Marathon course GPX fileĭuring the race I wore a Suunto Ambit GPS sport watch. It’s mostly for my purposes, so I can quickly access and compare the information in the future but there are a few resources that will be useful for any Boston participant. My Boston Marathon coverage finishes with a data dump.